Generic API keys

Authentication Bypass and Token Reuse

Unsigned API tokens are particularly vulnerable because they lack cryptographic verification mechanisms. Once leaked, these tokens can be easily reused across different services or endpoints. Unlike signed tokens (such as JWTs), there's no built-in mechanism to verify the token's authenticity or origin, making it easier for attackers to forge or modify tokens without detection.

No Expiration Control

Generic API tokens often lack built-in expiration mechanisms, making them effectively permanent credentials unless manually revoked. This creates a significant security risk as compromised tokens can remain valid indefinitely. Without automatic expiration, organizations must rely solely on manual detection and revocation processes, which can lead to extended periods of unauthorized access.

Limited Audit Capabilities
Scope and Permission Issues

Generic API tokens often come with broad permissions due to their simplistic nature:

Incident Response Challenges

When unsigned tokens are compromised, security teams face several challenges:

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